4 reviews

Live a Legacy Vent Care Home, LLC.

marker Vancouver, Washington


4 reviews

Huge disappointment to have been employed there
Crimson Morgan

I love working here. I have learned more then I thought I would. The management has gone out of their way to help me and teach me. The other care staff welcomed me and showed me the way. Im so glad I have gotten to know each resident and look forward to learning more and making a difference in each of the residents lifes. After all is said and done they are who we are here for as for all the staff here I have met and talked with they believe the same.
Anna Savina

A great place to work at and learn a lot of new things. Working here I was able to learn a lot of things that Nurses do. I was not only able to learn, but I was also delegated to do the tasks too. The Nurses are really helpful when help is needed, everyone is a great team. Good team work! A home with awesome residents and managers!
Alexandria Windows
