28 reviews

Grace Living Center Brookwood

marker Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


28 reviews
Mona Louangaphay

Facility is very nice and clean but the staff are not responsive to call lights, I would be afraid for my dad's safety, if I were not here. Staff is pleasant when they do respond for the most part. I would expext more from a skilled unit. Perhaps the staff/patient ratio is not what it should be.
renee hughlett-burns

Be ready for a headache. My Grandparents were in recovery at this facility, Intake was simple and easy, the staff working with the patients are fantastic. Being dismissed was an ABSOLUTE nightmare. I was on hold for over 30 mins with no exclamation. I ended up having to call medride, to see if they could bring home both Grandparents. and then called back and finally talked with a charge nurse who said that should be fine. I asked her to confirm with medride. I just got off the phone to find out that my mother has ended up having to go get my grandpa. Their lack of communication and no guidance in what to do next had us stressed to the max and in tears nightly. They will gladly take the insurance money, but would allow us to do private pay for a few days, insted they would rather move a dying woman out of their facility. I find this absolutely appalling. My mother should not have to endure such stress, they wouldn't listen to her or hear her out, it took me to get answers. I do not like writing negative reviews. This grieves my soul the way they have handled this situation.
Khrishelle Queen

Wonderful facility, Love the environment and staff! Would recommend it!

Incredibly saddened by the way my grandmother was treated at Brookwood nursing home. I wouldnt wish this place on any individual, especially in their end of life. My grandmother fell multiple times while in their care, had personal items stolen or missing (including her wedding ring of 70 years and her glasses). Medications discontinued inappropriately causing her to call family in the middle of the night in pain. Left in a soiled diaper for hours. She had vomited on her slippers and rather than cleaning them, they were just placed back in a drawer covered in vomit. Absolutely appalling.
Tonya Green

The food is like hospital food, but SOME of the dietary staff try to work with you, within limits... and only if you are very nice to them! Others, (like Jaime!) work their tails off trying to accommodate and always have a smile for you! The beds are old and very uncomfortable, they dont answer the call lights unless they happen to see it as the right staff member, thats assigned to you, walks by and sees it on! They dont give IV pain meds like I was told at the hospital that they would! I loved all the therapy staff, except one or two that seemed to dislike being there! Most of the nurses and techs are friendly, but there are several that shouldnt be working in the helping profession! They have a nice facility, and I was able to discuss some of these issues with a director, and he tried to make improvements, hes just not there all the time! Ive heard several people say that this facility is one of the nicest in the city, but that makes me think the others must be a nightmare! I could go on, but I just left there today and Ive still got several things that as a former medical social worker, makes me angry and frustrated! Most of all, the lack of defined rules that some enforce rigidly, others dont know about, and some staff will lie to your face when they are just trying to get out of doing more work! The breakdown in communication causes problems every day! Breakdown in systems that are for the patients benefit; failing to get info that is vital from the patients, which causes problems for the patients wellbeing; and speaking to patients without respect or consideration, are the things that drove me crazy! I really hope that they will continue to work on these kinds of things and appreciate the fact that if we werent there, they wouldnt have jobs! Good luck!