8 reviews
Lorry Harries
My mom had hip surgery and needed to go to a rehab for a week. We were not impressed. Some of the staff were very kind and attentive but others were awful. The food was awful too. When my mom wanted to go home after the week was up they used fear mongering to try to keep her there. They said Medicare probably wouldn't pay for her stay unless all personal involved with her rehab signed off and they weren't going to sign off. We had my mom call Medicare to see if this was true and they said it wasn't so she got to go home. I am convinced this facility was trying to keep my mom in there to milk Medicare.
Glenda Parrott
Love the staff everyone was and is really nice
Suzy Jamison
When my mother was released they sent her home without medications and only with prescriptions that AHCCCS would not pay to fill because they already paid to be filled at the rehab center. This caused major issues, delays in getting major medications, and out of pocket expenses she really could not afford. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and fixed.
D Humphrey