2 reviews

Platinum Communities - Larson House

marker Columbus, Wisconsin


2 reviews
Tonya Steinich

Samantha Leery

I began my search for assisted living with a very heavy heart, since I was the one taking care of mom. I also was the biggest critic as we toured numerous places. Mom went into the hospital, and they suggested Larson House. I wanted an environment that was like home for her, since she was not going to be able to come home. I stepped into Larson House and it smelled good, people were in the living room laughing, watching tv, and one was even so comfortable he was snoozing in the chair. I was greeted right away with a smile and already I felt like home. After touring and talking with the administrator who is from the area and the nurse who was very knowledgeable, I knew that this was the place. I for the first time felt comfortable with the idea of mom going into assisted living. We went on the waiting list, and about 3 weeks later they called, and I was excited, we could move in 1 week! We started packing, we laughed, we cried, but not once did we have second thoughts. Mom moved, we decorated the room together, and again we laughed, we cried. They offered for me to stay for supper, the food was great, the coffee was hot and fresh, I didn't want to leave, they said, well your more then welcome to stay with her for the night, we can/will accommodate. Mom and I sat up all night talking, laughing, crying and for the first time in years I felt like I had my mom back. Larson House goes above and beyond, they care, they love, they understand, they are amazing people who do amazing things. Sure not everything is perfect, but if something is wrong they fix it right away. They all work as a team, including the management, they are very involved, and always smiling, everyone is always smiling. My mom has since passed away, but because of the care she received at Larson House, I am at peace knowing my mom was loved not just by me but by her Larson House family. Thank you Larson House for all that you do!