8 reviews

Heartis Waco

marker Waco, Texas


8 reviews
Weigang Lu

Donna Ginsel

I think at Heartis, the staff are very caring and personable. Heartis has a ton of activities such as learning activities, interactive and engaging activities for their residents. Very active in the surrounding Waco community. My mom was there and they took the best of care I could ever ask for.
barbara barnes

Barbara Summitt

Wonderful staff who are very attentive to my mothers needs. I have always seen her treatedWith complete respect and joy. Beautiful facility too and visiting is always encouraged atAny time. All the residents are darling people there who are a family of sorts and it is fun getting to knowEach of them.....they may have a few issues but they all have been wonderful people and theyStill are.
Tanya Stevens

This place is beautiful to say the least.I was hired here at Heartis and also, fired my first day for speaking my values and of course addressing issues to the Administration. By discussing important malfunctions in the place of work I was bullied, mistreated with immaturity, deceitful behavior from ADULTS.One would think and hope by talking with people to get things resolved with INTEGRITY, and NOT fire them simply because, of insecurity and evilness in the Office.It is quite despicable. Just because the outside of the building is beautiful, on the inside should carry beauty just as much.But, what glitters isn't always GOLD.This company was built in 2016 I believe, with an estimate of 40 billion dollars to invest in.I would say this company in Waco alone makes over 240,000 per month with paying employees such as Caregivers and Med Techs with poverty level pay.1200, 1300, 1400 per month is poverty.15,000, 18,000 per year is POVERTY!Today, the average house payment 1100.The average apartment payment is 700.Still have to eat...Meanwhile, the Administration makes a large sum that comes with bullying, immaturity, insecurity, self worth issues.The Admin should in my opinion be leaders, not people who display sheep in wolf's clothing type attitudes.When you walk in a 'Leader's ' office to find a devotional but, leads falsely in the workplace is undermining.Heartis of Waco overworks everyone with poverty and no hope.Of course, Heartis may throw in a employee of the month (which is good) but defeats the purpose whenever that person had to sweat all week for barely getting the bills paid.When I got hired the talk was so good.Actions and words did not match!Boundaries are definitely needed here.God is working behind the scenes for sure.I pray Heartis residents and employees are full of happiness and good health.People make bad choices in life but we need to be the one's to correct them before they get out of hand.When they do get out of hand make room for heavy improvement, God's way!!Ephesians 5:Take no part in unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.True character is infinitely more productive than any TITLE from a College or University.