3 reviews

Cherry Street Village

marker Nocona, Texas


3 reviews
Montrell Carter

Had lots of fun
David Phemister

The food is exceptional
Robert Payne

I recently visited with an old and dear friend who lives at Cherry Street Village. To say I was impressed with the facility is but an understatement. The facility is immaculate! The common areas, halls, rooms and open spaces are well lighted, bright and beautifully decorated. The furniture and fixtures are of very high quality and appear to have been chosen with great care and at great expense. There is no trace of wear and tear usually associated with facilities of this type. Not a single spot of dust. No spills or stains on the expensive carpet. The staff appears to be attentive and well trained and those who I met, were courteous, friendly and seemed dedicated to their patients.I was not entirely joking when I told my friend (who is related to the owners and operators) to save me a place! I hope I never require an assisted living facility but if I do, I hope I can find one like Cherry Street Village.Robert Ray Payne