5 reviews

Livingston Housing Authority

marker Livingston, Tennessee


5 reviews
Ricky Shoemake

Not my kinda place but nice enough apartments
Mickey Ledbetter

Ken And his staff has brought this place to a high standard. They have really cleaned the place up and has made it a safe place to live now. The office staff is wonderful to work with, maintenance department is fast to respond to your calls. If you talk to them and let them know if your having problems they will work with you. Just be responsible enough to talk with them and not avoid them.!
The Dust Bunny

Drug funded community. The entire block is full of users, and the 'maintenance' staff is run entirely by the family of Ken, the man in charge. Ken himself has refused to treat homes for Bed Bugs, which is to the point of full infestation (as classified by two or more adjoining homes producing pests beyond normal control). The woman who mows the lawns, has often time been intoxicated, and has slammed the mower into vehicles, buildings, etc. When confronted about these issues, Ken only responds by threatening to evict residents, and then refuses to send any form of pest control, maintenance, or any other staff for weeks at a time. Honestly, you'd be better off homeless. This entire place is trash. You can frequently walk onto your porch after 10pm, and see vehicles pulling in and out of homes, yelling loudly about methadome, and other substances, police presence is a constant, and they have had two overdose related deaths in less than two months. Tried reporting the staff Business and Home, and nothing has been done. Mayor's office has been warned, still, nothing done. The police only involve themselves if it's drug related, which lets face it, that's 90 percent of the issue here.
Dale Trexler

Mike Camerer

I just wanted to thank ya'll for the speedy,well-done job today.Didn't really expect you guys for a week or two.Again,thanks a million.Mike Camerer