50 reviews
Kathijune Bruyere
Very organized food services!
David Rexroad
The Blanchet house doesn't get any government funding at all so I suggest you all give to them the most because they care the most. I suggest you give hemp socks organic fruit & vegetables & also donate Irish sea moss braddock root & bladderwrack. Irish sea mos alone has 92 minerals out of 102 & the other two herbs I mentioned give you the full 102 minerals the body needs. Also donate Moringa. That's what's called 'the tree of life' the super foods of superfoods. Donate plant based food products only. REZAREX
Elliott Omlin
Such a wonderful resource for the community. Had a great time volunteering with our team!
Great and friendly service too the Portland community.Excellent place too volunteer,and make a real difference in someone's life.
Alita Kicksa**!
Food has gotten better since the shutdown. PB&J is a major upgrade over their veggies over rice everyday. The old location had much better food and quality.