50 reviews
Eric Plummer
After a complicated surgery, my dad was determined to go home, insisting that all of his experiences with visiting nursing homes had been dreary and depressing. Turns out, he was unable to walk on his own, so home was not a viable option. SEM Haven was really the only place I wanted him to go, and we were very happy that they had a bed available. Carolyn made the admission process very easy, and the staff was there to meet him for an evening arrival.First of all, the place is beautiful! The rehab wing is only a few years old, and they did a great job designing it... All private rooms with spacious bathrooms to accommodate extra equipment. Most importantly, it's CLEAN without smelling like bleach. Each room has a tasteful theme that would have fit in quite well in his home. There is a comfortable sitting area at the end of the hall, which was nice when we wanted to get a different atmosphere. The dining room is a good size for the unit, and the food was good; they were happy to accommodate most menu requests, and portions were just right for him. It's all very nice without being pretentious.While the facility is great, the staff is even better. All of the aides were helpful and competent. He liked some more than others, but they were all able to do what he needed, and response time for his call light we're good. The only problem with a small unit is that, when one patient needs two or three aides to help with something, there aren't any left for everyone else. This was very rare (once or twice during a 4-week stay), and a 'long' wait was only a few minutes. The therapy team pushed him to improve, but had a good understanding of his limits. They never rushed him, and encouraged him to be safe and under control. He definitely likes to understand the reasons for things, and nobody every acted like they didn't have time for his questions (or his wife's, or mine, or my wife's). Nancy the physical therapist is a gem! She has lots of experience and a great way with people; her goal seems always to be to help people be the best version of themselves, and she's in the right role for that. She even did a home visit before discharge and made some suggestions to help prepare the house. Genny the nurse was with him most often, and they had a nice connection. She got to know him very well, and didn't let him slack on anything. She was very helpful with questions, and made sure we had everything we needed when we took him home. Caroline the social worker made sure everything was set up at discharge for a smooth transition.His stay was so positive that, after a couple of days, he said it was a great place and he was happy to be there... If you started at the beginning and have made it to the end of this review, you may remember his initial thoughts on nursing homes were not positive. If he ever needs rehab services again, SEM Haven will be first on the list, followed by SEM Haven, with SEM Haven coming in third.
Justin Mcfarland
Do not respond well to customers,or people more then qualified to work there.
Andrew VanCamp
MaryJo McCarthy
Maryann Williamson