Madison Healthcare Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation

22 reviews
Staff was very rude to me..never been so embarrassed in my life
DeAnna Pahel
Family environment. No one is a stranger at Madison Healthcare. I have been employed here for almost 5 months and I instantly felt welcome. Of course you have those days where your short staff but that is any where you go and what's great about Madison healthcare is everyone chips in to help, from the DON on the floor working as an aide to nurses working as aides. No one at Madison is better than the next. Love my co workers and all they do for the residents. Also the ADON is amazing, not only does she pick up and help when short but if you have an emergency or need to switch a day she does everything in her power to make that happen...
Jessica Brainard
Gina CadJes
Didi Edeh