6 reviews

Baptist Children's Homes of Nc

marker Clyde, North Carolina


6 reviews
Ernie Whaley

My daughter stayed here a while back because her mother chose to leave her there, bill and alicia and lou treated her very very poorly. No kid is perfect and from time to she would talk back but there were others there that were way worse and they let them get away with everything. They would make my daughter stay up late hours of the night to clean and one time bill woke her at 3 a.m and poured pepper all over the kitchen and made her clean it up.... There were many other incidents. This place should be shut down because they aren't as 'christian' as they let on. Bill and Alicia and Lou God was watching you then and still is now and you will have to answer for how poorly you treated my child!!
Kaleb Brace_is_fishing

I stayed here for a couple of months and love it there and love my house parents expecially the were all so nice there I miss everyone thanks for the support y'all
Yung Sav4g3

a joke
Jessica Caldwell

I have two young boys cps has placed in Broyhill. I have no info about this group home. If anyone can plz ease my mind, look me up on fb. Jessie Clifton Caldwell is my name. From one mother to another, thank you!
justin lovingood

this is justin lovingood i stayed there for a long time a while back and i loved i thanks for the support guys