5 reviews

Park Inn Home For Adults

marker Rockaway Park, New York


5 reviews
Gail Kroog The Brooklyn Dance Center


Top Volp's post says a lot about our society - elderyly people, many of whom had difficult lives, are simply an eyesore for this individual who thinks that the entire city should be bent toward making sure everything is tidy and in order for those who don't want to be 'bothered' by people who don't fit into the mold of the 'up and coming' neighborhood. We're never told what is meant by 'up and coming', but we can certainly guess. I have an idea, if it bothers you so much then why don't you move to Kansas?
Jay Kaplan

Top VoIP

This place should be shut down. Absolutely the most disturbing operation in the Rockaways and a terrible sight for all who live around 116th Street. They allow the disturbed people to panhandle and roam around the streets, boardwalk and bother people who come to shop on 116th Street. For the past 3 years a disturbed man has been screaming out of the 1st floor window at all hours of the day and early morning. Nobody cares to stop the fact that everyone living around the area is bothered by the people who reside here. Its a complete shame that this has been going on so long without any formal investigation into the quality of life that is being degraded to all around this up and coming neighborhood due to this eyesore.
Nece Rogers
