50 reviews
Amazing. There are some training rooms that have a viewing window. Some athletes we're there when we were.
Adam Purner
Jim Van Dick
Pretty neat to be where Olympic athletes train
Gabriel Sauers
This review is based in its entirety on my opinion:I attempted to fully write out what I had to say on this but ran out of words so I will make a short version. I wrote it out in its entirety on facebook so go to the facebook page to read that (assuming it hasn't been removed) In 2011 I attended an Olympic camp at this location, for olympic skeleton.Don Haas the then skeleton head coach ostracized me because I was low income and disabled because of an incident in which I had the man who ran the gym at the time, Kyle Coleveeta(unsure on the spelling) threaten to physically assault me.I had traveled two days by greyhound from Iowa to attend the camp and I was and am severely disabled. That is an important fact as it should be noted that this is how I was treated despite being severely disabled. Don pulled me into a side room after Kyle threatened me and made me profusely apologize to him in front of an aid named Adelle Smith while I was crying because Don had told me that if I didn't convince him to let me stay he would make me sleep on the street. He told me he knew I was low income and I should rob a liquor store if I needed cash. This remains one of the most disgusting and offensive things anyone has ever said to me. This led to everyone I was sliding with ostracizing me and targeting me because Don Haas was the coach they were going to be reviewed by. Don Purposefully made sure I was cheated out of a full day of sliding and my final slide and being reviewed, despite the fact that I paid like everyone else. I was targeted because I was a poor disabled man overcoming adversity and severe disabilitiesThis and many other negative things that occurred at the camp forever tarnished not only my view of the olympics but america as a whole as that is what this organization represents. In my opinion this organization is not disability friendly so if you have disabilities and you dream of becoming an olympian perhaps try the paralympics. As in this organization if you are different it makes you a target. Don Haas you are in my opinion a coward.
Lane Mead