12 reviews

Inspiration Heights Apartments

marker Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico


12 reviews
Daniel James

i used to live there
Brett Rehm

Our drawers fall off the rails. Had a leak and the damage still hasn't been fixed. Roaches all over the place. TWEEKERS everywhere. And nobody does anything. The head honchos don't care about the problems here and won't do anything about the meth heads. I've had stuff stolen from my apartment and the complex didn't do anything. If you have kids not a good place to live.
Jenny Arn

Mr. Arn is an awesome manager/maintenance guy, any time I had an issue, he took care of it immediately. He is very polite and you can tell he really cares about his tenants and the complex. Things are getting better now that he is living in the complex.
Dina Beau

Jennifer Braswell

The manager is so great and polite. Any time I've had an issue, he'd fix it as soon as he could which was usually immediately. My 3 yr old loves it here because there are kids he can play with. I feel safe here knowing the manager lives on site and he is doing his hardest to make sure this is a safe place for everyone. Brett Rehm did you ever put in a work order to have things fixed? Did you have renters insurance, because Inspiration Heights isn't responsible for what happens to your personal property, that's why they say to get renters insurance. If you don't communicate your issues with the manager, he can't fix them. This place is safe for children because he has got rid of all the people who made it a bad place to live. Seems like you're butt hurt and being petty.