13 reviews

Cardinal Ritter Senior Services

marker St Louis, Missouri


13 reviews
Salasi Simpson

Joel 1969

Petrescu Alexian

Yes I came back as a new hire and the lady from HR said 'we don't have policy for rehire'.Someone mentioned that they are for diversity I wonder what this mean.That place is something
John B

Nice place for residents to stay for a number of services but the atmosphere between upper management and staff is very unpleasant. Also very disappointing to see how few blacks are in upper management roles. This company will hire blacks for employment but there is a serious disconnection or serious sense of division. Really, sad!!! Could be a good fix for long term career, if and only if relationships improved with better opportunity and morale.
Camelia Petrescu

This place was the one I loved since I became a CNA and I worked for 1year and a half , but nurses are so tremendous mean and they don't respect you as a human being and they fire you without reasons.Nurses should encourage staff to get along they should be a good leader not authoritarian.I missed the residents there I pray for them every day!!!