Mexico, Missouri
4 reviews
Brother Devin King-Thomson
Lived here for a year and a half. Their food is so little it wouldn't even fill a babies stomach, my blood sugar drops to 60-70 every day, the building itself is gross stains everywhere, carpet probably as old as the 130 year old building, some of the doors don't work even after their maintenance man Eddie has replaced them, they have residents that are verbally and physically abusive and just right the behavior down and say there's nothing else we can do. They even have a resident that's been kicked out three times for attacking police officers and residents and he's back for a fourth time. Multiple residents do drugs and are overlooked by staff. Even though the staff know what they are doing and know it affects the residents medicine.Strongly do not recommend living here.Even I am in such a poor living conditions that I was told by my doctor that I had to move or I would have severe health problems that would more then likely be life threatening.
Dev Dragon
214junebug Ya Dig
Nice I use to work there love the staff. From Clarence Bailey
Mike Jackson