9 reviews
laurie french
My husband was a patient there from 11/27/19 through 12/06/19. Several concerns:* no changed sheets for 9 days until we finally requested.* dirty dishes and trays left in patient rooms until the next meal was served and not always taken then.* dispensing of medication not always done on time or in a professional manner.* visibly understaffed and the staff they have is not very available.* NO STAFF accompanied us to the vehicle upon discharge. I had to get my husband, propelling himself by foot in a wheelchair, and me with a cart of his belongings and his walker, to the front door and then had to get him into the vehicle BY MYSELF, while he was in an immobilizing back brace following spinal surgery and 4 days prior to his next major back surgery. Not only inexcusable, but an unnecessary safety and liability risk .* after discussing all of the above with Senior Administrative staff, I felt I was given a lot of lip service responses and justifications for how things were done.* I was with my husband every day for the majority until early evening. If a patient doesn't have a family member, friend, or patient advocate with them, they are definitely going to get compromised care.* it SHOULD be noted, however, that the PT staff was outstanding, professional and very compassionate and committed to their work and patient care.Laurie and Ted French, Paw Paw, MI
Jessica Wiley
michelle Garcia
Danielle Huziak
lissa dark
Like a deserted island when you go in to visit someone. Can't find staff, no doctors to be found, nurses at nursing station playing on cell phones.