7 reviews
Cora Mcclain
Elaine Parshall
My 97 year-old grandmother loves Arbor Woods! She enjoys the activities, games, crafts, staff, and all the new friends she had made there!
Daniel Garrison
Arbor Woods is one of the worst places if not THE worst place you will ever consider sending your loved one. We'd done research on this facility and all of the details they provided us were lies. We discovered only too late after my mother-in-law was placed there that they are short-staffed, they do not have qualified workers on site and at any given time, no more than one or two workers are handling the entire retirement community. It was horrible. During the time my mother-in-law was residing there, we discovered that untrained staff were administering medications, there was not a nurse or medical professional on site, they would be required to call someone in, and at times, the workers would not assist my mother-in-law with her required needs. She would go periods of time without getting assistance at being changed, getting assistance in going to the bathroom and/or having the help she needed.When we attempted to speak to the 'director' (I use that term loosely as she was one of the most unprofessional and uneducated individuals I've ever dealt with), she was snotty, rude, very verbally abusive, and offered no assistance. She sat in her desk chair with her expensive clothes on, her expensive jewelry, and stated that they were 'doing what was necessary,' and informed us that even though we were promised a certain level of care, it didn't include a majority of what was required, and if we wanted more, 'we'd have to pay the price.' For the record, for the level of care we were promised, it was $3,500 per month. This does not include the facility taking anyone on trips outside the facility, it did not involve or include any extra curricular activities, and the money that was being paid did not include any extra assistance for doctor's appointments or even special activities.We were disgusted and appalled at the poor level of care. During one weekend, two staff members walked off during their shift, leaving one individual to care for every resident in the facility. The director could not be reached, would not answer her phone, and we took it up ourselves to contact the owner. When Troy Ganton was informed that my mother-in-law was leaving the facility, he told us, 'I have nothing to say to you. We are no longer required to provide any care for her since she will no longer be a resident,' and he literally hung up the phone.Complaints were filed with the Long Term Care Division of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, the Ombudsman was contacted and complaints were filed, and complaints have also been filed with the Better Business Bureau.The staff was not properly trained, and we were informed by two current staff members as well as former staff members that untrained staff would regularly administer medication. They are not licensed, are not nurses, are not certified and/or are not even registered CNA workers. They literally have no qualifications and/or proper training to be caring for any of the residents. Their paperwork and the information we were provided upon discussing having my family placed there were all lies. We discovered this only too late and removed my mother in law from the facility.While she was at the facility, multiple items came up missing, including money, hearing aids that cost in excess of $3,000 and we were required to file claims with her insurance company. We were informed by the facility that, 'it's not our problem,' and the director and the head staff person were rude, very verbally abusive and very uncooperative. When we discussed the cost, the director shrugged her shoulders and stated, 'so? What do you want me to do about it? It's not our problem. Maybe she's just losing her mind and lost her property too.' We knew that was a lie. And when we discussed the fact that she had insurance, the director and head staff stated, 'so call them. It's not our problem.' and walked out of the room.If this is the type of staff you want to deal with and/or facility, I wish you the best of luck. You are risking the health and welfare of your family and they will outright lie to you .
Amanda Fields
They have provided great care for my grandmother. She is in great hands and Im thankful for all the work they do.
John Wimmer