27 reviews

Glacier Hills Inc

marker Ann Arbor, Michigan


27 reviews
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Very unprofessional would not recommend Justin is very unprofessional, dining room manger.
Allen Lindquist

Glacier Hills in Ann Arbor Michigan has SIGNIFICANTLY declined in quality, safety, and dedicated staff services the past couple of years - ever since Trinity Health took over a couple of years ago. My parent has lived there for about 6 years and the first few years were great!! However, the family has personally witnessed the decline in management priorities for residence, family members and quality staff. It is now all about cost savings through reducing resident to staff ratios, reducing Glacier Hills to a generic franchise, and putting corporate CYA above a nurturing family community. The longer term and dedicated staff are leaving - true evidence that Glacier Hills is no longer a high quality place for our loved ones.  There are few dedicated staff left who we feel safe with and trust them as part of the Glacier Hills family to look after our parent. Just lost two more in the past few weeks. Trinity has turned it into a warehousing concept with part-time,  transient, disengaged,  high turnover, low pay staff.  relied on the dedicated staff to support our parent's wellbeing on a daily basis. We and the residents considered them family and trusted them. Glacier Hills ONCE was a great quality and loving community.  If you love your relative, demand to talk to SEVERAL current residents, who have been there for several years, to get the true picture of the facility. Better yet, we now wish we had removed Glacier Hills from our list of considerations.

My father went into Glacier Hills for a 2 week rehab after an illness. We had been to U of M hospital before coming to GH and the plan was that he would do the rehab there and proceed into a pulmonary rehab at U of M. The specialist at U of M said he saw no reason why my father wouldn't recover and be able to live a quality life after rehab. My dad was at GH for less than a week when we realized what a mistake we made. I came to visit and found my dad passed out on the commode when he was supposed to have an aide in the room when using it; I could go on and on; this was just one issue we experienced. The last few days he was there family members stayed the night so we knew he was getting the care he deserved. Over the time he was there I heard a man in another room crying out several times for someone to help him as I saw aides congregated outside the door of his room socializing. We complained several times and never got results. It took us about 4 days to get him out of there - at this point we were looking for hospice, where we were thinking rehab before. He was at the hospice for less than 24 hours when he passed on. The hospice said he was admitted with oxygen toxicity. GH was supposed to be qualified rehab for a patient with pulmonary needs, I called several facilities before choosing GH and decided to go with them because they portrayed the facility as qualified. I also chose GH because they had a great reputation. I found later that the reputation was built on a former version of the facility - it was now under new management. I would strongly advise against using this facility - I wish I had someone tell me before I lost my dad.
Jessica Kennedy

My dad went here for rehab after his stroke. They neglected him and it breaks my heart. Before he went in, he needed minimal rehabilitation on his left side as he was starting to gain strength, pivot, and drag his foot while using a walker. He came out of there worse than he went in. He came home and his left arm is stuck to his left side and his hand is all curled up. He can no longer pivot, and has lost most of his strength. The nurses do not answer call lights. A family member was there with him and it took the nurse 45 minutes to answer his call light. I'll never refer anyone here.
Judy Ali-Khodja

Was happy to bring my mother here for rehab as I used to work there and it was top of the line back then. The facility is clean and nicely arranged to feel more comfortable., staffing ratios are better than most rehab places, and the therapy personnel and really good at what they do. Unfortunately, however, in the two weeks my mother was there she declined dramatically and the nursing/medical staff did nothing to help her. In fact, wound care wasn't done when scheduled, medication issues, and failure to address her night time oxygen needs. My mother needs to strictly follow a low sodium diet and it was very difficult to get nutrition information to make the right meal choices. Also, I was told they can't accommodate a fluid restriction or even inform staff not to bring in the large amounts of water at shift change stating that patients need to be able to limit themselves. I had to keep making appointments with her regular providers to adjust her meds or seek help and ultimately take her to the emergency department myself because she was in trouble. Her condition was so poor they called for a critical alert and admitted her right away. My mother is seriously deconditioned and will really need rehab when she is discharged, but she is afraid to go back to Glacier Hills. Today her cardiologist told me he didn't think I should send her back there because her current poor health was their fault. GH is a preferred provider of Trinity Health so we thought this was the best place to send her; now I regret having taken her there in the first place.