4 reviews
Burton Lee Stilger
Terry Nelson
Mary Jones
Every one needs them and they will help
Gator Boo
21 years ago tomorrow you was instrumental in the abuse of my children. You lived a lie. You lived because you were to ignorant to believe there could be another side to the story. You wrote a letter addressed to my home and was to much of a coward to sign your name and signed it anonymous. It was a lie, I told you it was a lie and my children suffered the consequences of your misguided judgement. You wanted me to admit to a lie and I told you to prove something that never happened. You chickened out because you couldn't do it. I hope you sleep well this Fathers Day knowing you made this the most miserable day of an innocent persons life and made my children suffer in their formative years and you walk away while we suffer from what you and the Commonwealth of KY., did to my children. These people, Patricia Fields, Jan Hampton, Dick Dye, all their cronies and a pervert judge Ronnie Dortch ruined my children's lives. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Destroying lives of the very children you pledged an oath to protect.