26 reviews

East St. Louis Housing Authority

500 m
2000 ft
marker East St Louis, Illinois


26 reviews
Dionna Tiara

Lauren Wilson

This place should be externally audited and taken over directly by HUD themselves.. The Roosevelt homes are so dilapidated they are not fit for a dog to live in them.. They are outdated.. My apartment has mold growing in it and is in need of over 50 repairs for the last 2 years and nothing has been done!! I have turned in a page list of repairs over 3 months ago nothing has been done. Bullet holes in walls not patched etc. No screens in half the windows and safety doenst provide you with a copy of your own reports.. The rental office is NEVER open to make complaints. I dont know who funds this place but your investment should be payed closer attention to!
Tiffany's life

Tiffany Nicks

Caasi Isaac
