24 reviews

Gardenview Manor

marker Danville, Illinois


24 reviews
john ging

Asked for HR the receptionist said I was annoying and hung up on me ! Thank goodness i record my calls!!
siboney Ayala

I am beginning to agree with all the negative reviews.I have checked on my mother more often at night now and I have realized they do not check on her or care if she refuses food throughout the day. Each time i go to the nurses station they are all bunched up there speaking of their personal business. Meanwhile my mom is soaked in her bed. Feeling a little ticked off lately!
K Hewawasam

Brittanie Shane

I started working here almost 3months ago and we have a WONDERFUL NEW administrator Mrs. Kim Colbrook and alot of the people that didn't TRULY care and were just there for a paycheck have been removed! There were ALOT of issues before but in just the short time that I've been there the whole facility has changed completely!! We have a WONDERFUL staff now and we all work very hard to make the changes needed to bring this place back to its glory days. It is a prossess, however, but with the great Dept Heads that we have now and our wonderful caring administrator things are truly changing for so much better and hopefully when the covid-19 has passed we will be able to show all the families how much happier our residents are (bc we LOVE our residents and they're ALWAYS our 1st priority) and how much we have done to make this a place that just feels better and l{pls so much better and hopefully can feel like a 2nd home. Our owner David has also been showing is appreciation for his staff that is trying so hard and he recognizes it. I am so proud to work for this facility and I'm even happier that I truly love coming to work everyday!
LaTasha Stanis
