2 reviews

BeeHive Homes Assisted Living

marker Meridian, Idaho


2 reviews
Jesse Besonen

Terra Furman

I was hired, recieved no training, was expected to start working the day I went into sign hire paperwork. I worked every day following. I have worked there 11 days and worked 75 hours. I worked 51.5 hours in 1 week. I had 1 day off in that time since hire. Harrassed constantly to come in on days off. Expected to come in last minute to cover noc shift and stay up 24 hours or more. When working extra hours no one showed up to relieve me, causing me to stay over my shift an extra 2 hours getting out at 1 am then harassed to come back in starting at 630am literally all day by multiple employees and managers. I was ready to walk out on day 10. I did quit on day 12. They didn't pay me my agreed upon wages, but minimum wage because I quit.