2 reviews

The Gables Assisted Living and Memory Care

marker Idaho Falls, Idaho


2 reviews
Tiffany Ouellette

Theress Chamberlsin

The In-Home Health Care Agency Is Very Unprofrossesil They will not establish a weekly schedule so their clients May schedule their other appointment around when The Home Aides will be at their hoome, they never will stuck with one Aides so you never know who is coming into your home and have t go over everything with a new person all The time. If you ask theAide t please d something because that is The correct way t do it, and she doesnt d it, so you call her boss-then they will will not fix The situation, instead they will mail you a letters saying they have din everything they could t try t work with you and They will be dropping services in 2 weeks. Then 2 days later one of The Aides will show j work half an hour and then announce they are not finishishig out The 22 weeks and are just quitting The second day! What an UNPROFROSSESIL COMPANY and their AIDES are LAZY! You cant make a complaint because The boss has a neice that is a supposed Care givers and that gives her The right t be lazy and your not t her job!