3 reviews

Tapley Personal Care

marker Evans, Georgia


3 reviews
Trisha Martin

Matthew Roton

my father has been at this place for almost a year he loves the staff he's happy with where he's at and has no complaints whatsoever why these reviews are so hurtful and negative I have no idea I think they are a godsend for my father. I wish to thanks the staff of this home for their kind and loving treatment that is given to my father
D Robertson

The owner of this home is 'absent' from day to day operations and supervision. Employees have shared incidents involving a member of the staff in a 'supervisory' position being verbally rude and disrespectful to the residents. A FORMER resident of this facility witnessed the same member of staff treat a roommate in this manner. Good employees do not stay long and it is not because of the residents. There is little or no regard for patient (resident) rights. If a member speaks up about improper treatment, they are regarded as a trouble maker. The resident may even be threatened with a 30-day notice to leave the facility from the owner who uses a prior health issue as a crutch to avoid proper management responsibility. Often the food is purchased at the local dollar store with no regard for the lack of quality or how unpleasant the taste may be to the residents. The packaging is clear and is set on the counter before preparation so first-hand accounts support this detail. The owner will verbally insist that state menus are followed. BEWARE! What is on paper does not come close to what is put on the plate! Paper documentation is all the state reviews. Unless someone from the state is there to inspect every meal, the owner will never be held accountable for her disregard to quality and nutritional value of meals in this facility. The family member who is a FORMER resident refused to eat on a regular basis. Additional meals and food were brought in to the resident to supplement what is not provided by the owner.Also - supper is served at 5 pm or earlier and there is no evening snack. The next meal is not served for 14 hours or more. PLEASE review state reports regarding inspections and violations Georgia Healthcare Facility Regulation Division. Keep in mind that all reports are not the web-site if an investigation is still open or has not been uploaded to the site. Writer of this review has first-hand knowledge that an investigation is still open. Also contact the local Ombudsman office for information. Do a little research to choose a better facility for your love one.