10 reviews
glenn cartier
I was in there the first part of this year and it is very great. Not that I really.want to back because of the reasons you go there but I would in a minute. It has very good people.
Debra Eckhardt
The staff here are remarkable! What a nice surprise. From the CNAs, LVNs, RNs to Physical Therapy and Social Services, I give my thanks for their attention and caring under what are sometimes very difficult circumstances.
Cranke I.T.C.Paranormal
By far the best on the coastline far as caring nurses ,they only hire the best.There well educated and well versed in care for the elderly.Anything less wouldnt be torelated ,and you expect that from yourself and the others.
eli B
NEGLIGENT CARE RESULTING IN HOSPITALIZATION Obviously would rate ZERO stars if possibleDiabetic patient given a banana and orange juice when tested at dangerously low blood sugar. They did not come back to retest or check on patient. She blacked out into diabetic coma and was not found until almost 5 am! She had BROKEN FACE BONES yet was not given pain medication or taken to the hospital until two in the afternoon, despite complaining of a sore face and telling her nurses she couldn't eat. It was initially reported as an arm injury due to an abrasion on arm. After a hospitalization she was transfer to a different 'care' facility.
Rechelle Brown