5 reviews
abigail douglas
Mey Robertson
Amanda Stilwell
Liv Power40
Charles Warren
My father was placed in this facility for a short term stay and the entire time he was there he had diarrhea. Everyday and the irony was he was in a wheelchair and for him to perform # 2 he had to be assisted by a nurse so they saw the diarrhea. Thank god he was only in there for a short term or he would have died from dehydration. Also the toilet did not flush without holding the handle down and the nurses just poured urine etc., in and did not hold the handle down so that the bathroom smelled awful. This was a constant smell. My father is a tall man so what did they do at the home but place him in a bed made for a midget. He was constantly trying to get comfortable and he was there to receive rehab for a fractured hip so he was already in some pain so this did not HELP he at all! Also there are two strange and I think somewhat interconnected episodes and the first one was the constant complaining of the staff because of the hospital takeover by another company. 'We're all leaving!' One nurse said. 'So and so said the new owners are the pits.' Another nurse added. 'They'll cut our pay and make us be cruel to the patients.' A ginger assistant chimed in adding. 'Some are already mean enough.' The others laughed but that quickly turned to quiet anger. I, father, everyone really heard this constant chatter till we were ready to revolve and quit the place ourselves. The other episode was even weirder. Directly across from my father's room was a lady who suffered from a degenerative disease and she was extremely friendly to my father and to me. I felt sorry for her and she made me promise that after my father left that I would continue to visit her. I made that promise so on the first visit things were going well when a nurse flew in and informed me that I was not to made photographs (I already had took photos of her when my father was in the facility because I am a former broadcast, public TV and newspaper photography) and the nurse walked out into the hall and mouthed to me.... 'She's sexual and has to be watched. S-E-X-U-A-L!' She mouthed the words several times but I felt that this was immature since the woman was sitting in her wheelchair in her room and could certainly hear what was being said. I took this entire thing as a joke and continued with my visit. Well a week and a half passed before I could visit her again. Now this time bears the nasty little fingerprints of REVENGE written all over it for the mother was there in the room when I entered holding a bag with a present in it. Right after I said my salutations I felt the distinct atmosphere of angry for the mother sat back in her chair saying nothing but her body language was screaming GET THE *&^&% OUT OF THIS ROOM! And I was going to do just that when a large nurse of some importance (I know because her hair was very tall 1980s style which made her taller and she possessed what looked like ten badges hanging from one pocket) entered the room. 'I want to talk to you out in the hall!' She barked. I walked out and before I could turn to face her she whaled, 'You are banned from this room and from this floor!' Wow. I thought staring at her with terror written all over my face as she screamed at the nurses gathered (no doubt to watch this afternoons smack down) the exact same words she told me. She never explained why I was being banned and I still do not know. This was the mark of a complete unprofessional managerial wannabe upstart and someone lacking in the interpersonal skills of an alien (I know I watch old Star Trek reruns) and a human being. Needless to say I was freaked as I followed her into the elevator, down the long hallway that felt a million miles long..did the green mile come to mind..maybe....Anyway this is the STRANGE, DIRTY, INCOMPETENT, UNPROFESSIONAL, MEAN, EVIL, PLACE THAT CALLS ITSELF A NURSING HOME...WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF NURSING HOME? DEATH HOUSE...could be.....STAY AWAY!!!!! PLEASE....