7 reviews

Sunrise Villa Tuckahoe

marker Richmond, Virginia


7 reviews
Betty Jean Joyner

Monica Garcia

I came here one day to learn about the facility for my mother. When I walked I was asked if I was here for the housekeeping position. I was very taken aback but I kept my a tight lip and explained my reason and how I wanted information and a tour. During the tour I got odd looks like I did not belong here. It was very uncomfortable. Seeing how many minorities worked in lower rung positions
Steven Rosenbloom

Sheryl Smith

Please note: when my friend lived here in 2017-early 2018, the place was called Brookdale. (same address 12401 Gayton Road) Maybe they have improved.My friend lived here for about 9 months. She needs assisted living help. She was promised the world when she moved in. Most of those promises were not kept, such as making the kitchen sink handicapped accessible. She had a stroke and needs to be helped to get out of bed, dressed, and helped into her motorized wheelchair each morning. Often the aides would forget to get her up, and she would have to buzz them. She often missed breakfast because they were late. One day, she dropped her call button, and she couldn't reach the emergency call chain because her bed was in the wrong place. Because of her stroke, she can't speak very loudly, so she couldn't yell loudly enough for anyone to hear. She couldn't reach her phone. She had to just lie in bed until someone came. Nobody came until 3:00 pm! She had had no trip to the bathroom, no medicines, no food, no water.She would often wait over an hour for someone to come after she pressed the call button. This made trips to the bathroom very difficult.She also paid extra to get a bath three times a week, and had to constantly fight to be able to get them. They would constantly forget, or be too busy to give her a bath.Evidently they are understaffed, and the staff is underpaid. Turnover was very high. The only efficient people were in the billing department. They happily billed her for all the services she didn't get, and some she didn't even want.Overall, it looks like a fabulous place to live if you don't need help. The place is clean and bright and friendly. But if you need help now or in the future, think twice!She had a happy ending to her story: she found a place at Westminster Canterbury. They are taking excellent care of her.
Eileen Lorenz

A lot of money to pay for a second floor that smells like urine