14 reviews

Sarah Daft Home

marker Salt Lake City, Utah


14 reviews
Lizzy Garcia

A close family friend is here. The pro of this placement is the activities. The activity department is proactive, compassionate, and always looking to get people involved. However, the health services department struggles significantly. They struggle to comply with the care plans and provide proper care. The CNAs claim they are understaffed or too overwhelmed when asked why multiple showers in a week are missed. Their supervisor is even less helpful when asked. Recently we were told I dont know when we inquired about why her staff neglected to shower the family friend for the past week, despite it being included in the care plan. This is not the first encounter, in fact the family hasnt gone more than two weeks without showers being ignored and missed by the health service department. The main goal of assisted livings is to preserve quality of life and health, something this location clearly doesnt value under the current leadership team.
Bailey Rasmussen

Emma Glende

Terry Broadbent

Judson Hanks
