17 reviews
Jennifer Wolf
What a joy it is to see the residents and staff so happy! It's truly a big family.
Milann Guckian
Our Mom is home. She loves her little apartment and all of the friends she has made. The activities, the food, the staff snd the facility itself is top notch. We visited over a dozen facilities before deciding on The Legacy. The layout, the personnel and all the little attention to detail was what grabbed us.Mom's been here since November and the service and care just keeps on getting better.....we love it!
Lisa Garcia
One of the reviews above was a former employee. So, please use wisdom when believing google reviews. Legacy is one of the BEST places in San Antonio for your Senior loved one! The staff genuinely cares for all residents and love working there. When the State of Texas inspected for Legacys 2 yearSurvey they did not fine ONE violation!!
Bellynda Contreras
Robert Giberson