5 reviews

Trinity Shores of Port Lavaca

marker Port Lavaca, Texas


5 reviews
Becky Schultz

Beautiful facility, great well planned activities for the seniors, very friendly caring staff. Food is great. We (her family) have not come across any negatives. We are also so pleased with calhoun home health and physical therapy. She is advancing so much more than we have seen in long time.
Wilbert Treybig

Connie Badillo

I Worked with and was members of The local V.F.W.POST with a married couple that moved to Trinity Shores as he, (the Husband,Veteran) was older and having some age related problems that the wife needed and wanted other people around that could and would be friends and helpful. The whole thing I believe is a great setting. Tour if possible or call for assistance for personal needs and desires.
Janice Verizon Demo

Why no updates on when the facility will reopen? Why are there not workers repairing the building?
Gigi Cheng

I then walked into this beautiful building with my club, Poineer Club. Like every year, we come and sing to those who live in Trinity Shores. It was always enjoyable. In Halloween, I go trick-or-treating there. In Christmas, I get free candy canes. The people there are really nice, and like to have accompanies. Be sure to visit!