39 reviews

Regent Care Center of League City

marker League City, Texas


39 reviews
Becky OBannon

For 3 yrs my MIL has been in this place (we did not know how horrible it is until this week). She was taken to the ER for breathing hard. Doctor at ER said her lungs was fine. This ER and ICU advised us to take pictures and investigate neglect . Thank goodness we took her out of this place ASAP.
ashley o'bannon

If you care for your loved ones, dont bring them here. To make a long story short, years of neglect on my grandmother due to this place caused her to be more sick than ever. She was often left in her spoil for days without being cleaned. She went to the hospital too many times to count while she stayed here. More than she ever had in her lifetime. There was illness after issue after problem throughout her stay here. Once we got her out, we saw the physical signs of neglect and elder abuse. She was at a new facility for a month after we moved her out of Regent Care and she thrived more in a month at the new place than she ever did in her 3 years at Regent Care. Dont apply here.
Allen Vandyke


Here is a facility that has mostly glowing, positive reviews. Then, you see a small number of reviews that describe the exact opposite of all the others. I used to wonder if the poor reviews were just from people who were habitual complainers, the ones that are never satisfied no matter how hard the staff tries to accommodate them. Unfortunately, I learned firsthand that the negative reviews were justly earned. Seven years ago, my mother lived in this facility for the last year and a half of her life. I was there every day with her and even sometimes spent the night. I had ONE complaint in all that time and it was nothing really serious. Fast forward to the summer of 2018. Unaware that the facility was under different ownership and management, my husband and I recommended it to his siblings for their mother. She was suffering from severe dementia and needed care that could no longer be provided at home. During her six month stay at Regent Care, I witnessed so many unacceptable things. Certain aides spent more time ducked into corners with their cell phones than they did doing their jobs. The weekend receptionist was seldom at the front desk, but oftentimes somewhere in the facility with her boyfriend. She wasnt let go because she was related to someone in management. I saw incontinent residents go eight hours without being changed. I saw residents who had difficulty feeding themselves left in their beds with a tray of food they could only stare at. There were bathrooms not stocked with diapers or wipes, so aides took packages from residents whose families purchased them out of pocket. I saw aides speak to residents in loud, harsh voices. These things were the norm, not rare occurrences. Nurses and aides didnt recognize symptoms of recurring urinary tract infections in my mother in law. One of them even told my niece that she was crazy to think anything was wrong. Bloodwork and urine samples ordered by the doctor werent done, or lost, depending on who you asked. Simple signs of dehydration werent recognized and family members were chided for suggesting it. Personal hygiene of residents was frequently lacking. Bed and wheelchair alarms weren't kept up with, which was so dangerous for residents. All of these incidences were witnessed by either myself or my husbands family time after time. Staff was not properly trained to deal with the elderly and demonstrated their inabilities on a daily basis. It was simply heartbreaking. There were a very few aides who were godsends, though, and I will always be grateful for their kindness. I realize that staff is underpaid and assigned a large number of residents, but..... if they cant treat residents with skill and respect, they should find another line of employment. These residents are PEOPLE just like us, whose only sin is that theyve grown old and helpless. They deserve so much more than Regent Care is capable or willing to provide. Ive waited a few months to write this review because I was so angry and appalled at my mother in laws lack of care. As someone who went from raving about Regent Care a few years ago to finding it completely abhorrent now, I assure you that Im not in the category of chronic complainer because someone didn't bring a blanket fast enough or the dining room ran out of tea or some other petty occurrence. My husband and I used to say we would be happy living at Regent Care if we ever needed skilled nursing. Now? I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone. Oh, and as a post script, I dont want to forget to mention that quite a few of the reviews listed here have been made by employees who were instructed to do so. I recognize names and also once overheard a supervisor telling employees that if they wanted to get their paychecks, theyd better go write some good reviews. That happened after a resident was injured due to inattention of staff. So, Ive had my say and can only hope someone heeds my words and their loved one doesnt suffer at Regent Care. Thank you for reading.
Eva Garza

This place needs alot of Professional Training starting from managment to CNAS!!!!No compassion there. RUDE PEOPLE!!!!!