6 reviews

Orchard Park At Willowbrook

marker Houston, Texas


6 reviews
Betty Mitchell

Been here six years , love the place and the people, they are friendly
Donna Jo Strickler

Going in year two. This is so much better than owning a home...safer, no maintenance, great neighbors and lots of activities! 55+ is the way to go!!
Elaine Morris

I have lived here a year and no complaints. Management is on top of everything. Maintenance is fast and efficient. Couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
Elaine Mauss

Jim Davis

Going on our second year now. The first year was about a 2 star experience. This year, Management changed hands, and it's getting better every day. As in any multiple dwelling, there are little problems, and personality conflicts, but overall, it's really nice.Most people are friendly, and if you need help, there are people willing to help you out. They look out for each other. There are enough activities to keep a person busy every day of the week. Management comes up with something new all the time, to make life more comfortable for the residents. My wife & I will be here for a long time,