8 reviews
Abel Duque
Jay Pat
Vanessa Marimar
Denisa or danisa was unprofessional and rude. She needs to learn customer service.
Sarah Clark
Male employees are always coming onto female co workers and sexual advances are non stop. Supervisor (Toni) was caught having sex with a female worker in a car in the parking lot (while on shift) everyone is sleeping with everyone. this place is wild and tax payers pay these people, El Paso is trash.
Rylerd Velglarn
Ive worked here before. There is absolutely no way this place is a 5 star rating. Theyre either deleting comments or something. The place runs smoothly enough all the employees like the DSP are underpaid by a lot. The position I had required a bachelors degree and was still paying 8 or 9 bucks an hour. Staff gets no support from admin. Nearly had a finger bitten off because it was myself and 2 others doing restraints campus was short staffed and people getting fired left and right for just looking at an individual wrong. Anyways got bitten and there was a meeting on how I could have done things to not be bitten. Was told parking there is a privilege and if the individuals destroy your car they wont cover it. The DSP are good people that are just stretched thin and way underpaid. I would give it a lower grade but it isnt the staffs fault in the long run.