17 reviews

Valley Grande Manor

marker Brownsville, Texas


17 reviews
Jorge Arizpe

(Translated by Google) The Estancia in Valley Grande was very good we were treated like at one's house. Everything was very good and we had very good medical attention and the room all the time was clean and tidy my wife every day I bathed her and combed her very well. We were free to enter and leave at all hours and the building has very good alarms and all the staff is very attentive and cerbicial. We recommend it from Corazon.(Original)La Estancia en Valley Grande fue muy Buena nos atendieron como en casa de uno. Todo estubo muy bueno y tubimos muy Buena atencion medica y el cuarto todo el tiempo estubo limpo y ordenado mi esposa todo los dias me la banaban y peinaba la rebisaban de todo muy bien. Teniamos libertad de entrar y salir a todoas horas y el edificio tiene muy buenas alarmas y todo el personal es muy atento y cerbicial. Lo recomendamos de Corazon.
M Garcia

I just want to thank all the staff at Valley Grande for the excellent care that has been provided to my wife. Everyone is so attentive, friendly, and respectful.
Walter Weslaco

Worst place in the valley to send your wife. I love weslaco but this place is bad for my city. I cry everyday asking why did this happen to me.
T Cabrera

We are very pleased with Valley Grande Manor for their excellent service and for the care they are providing to our dear mom. We have seen a tremendous improvement in our mothers overall health. Thank you very much to administration, nurses, CNAs and all other staff. The Zepeda Family
Miguel Herrera

(Translated by Google) Most of them treat you very well, with time I felt like I was with my family. By living every day they are treating you very well and living with other residents in activities is the best experiences I have had in my life. A very beautiful coexistence. All that changed until we were suddenly moved to the main dining room and removed the activity room to turn it into a meeting room, without the consent of the residents since we have always been told that this place belongs to us. Until now, I did not like it. I feel that there is no respect for the volunteers of the Catholic Church, for the volunteers who read the rosary, for the other religions, since there is no respect for the enormous amount of distractions in something that is so important for me and for my companions which is to thank God for another day of health, I feel sorry when I have to ask the priest if he can repeat the sermon. Since the DON and the Administrator entered here, they became pure together that do not solve anything. Nomas take time away from workers and the problem that we have more than an hour without workers in the floor to the CNA every day they give them more work that does not seem fair to wash the chairs of us and if it is dirty they have to clean then talk to the cleaning departmentand they have never taken the time to talk to us residents.I can affirm that Tonia Thiele, RN (DON) is very racist, I have noticed that with CNAs that do not speak English they are discriminated by their way of speaking or not being able to communicate with perfect English. He always makes meetings where he asks the ANC to tell them what we do not like, but always ignoring our requests. In the time that I have been living here and seen as good Nurses and CNAs have left this place because of her, her mistreatment and her rude way of treating them. When she is in the building she feels a lot of tension, a lot of bad vibes.I went to talk to Administrator Jos Longoria about the activity room and asked him who did that to move them to the dining room and he told me that he but I told him that it had been Tonya because he does not move a finger, he lacks authority and leadership . If not authorized Tonia and was angry with me and told me that it seemed to me that there Lucy was the social worker to do the paperwork for me to leave this nursing home and in this area are 5 nursing home but I told him that he ran me since it is my right as a resident to complain about things that do not seem to us, but he did nothing, but ignored me. There was also a problem with a person that they put into activities because she is a direct relative of Tonya (DON), she has several reports of the mistreatment towards the residents. Mr. Longoria says you have to give him another chance but that says because the one who is in charge is like a family member, he gave part time in activities and part time in another department I do not have anything against the girl, I feel that he needs to learn deal with people like Tonya. It does not seem fair to me that I ran to the other two people who had worked here for years and one of them is certified as a director of activities and as the unemployed want only because the girl is a relative of her. I feel that they are discriminating by age the other two assistants of activities to give opportunity to someone who is familiar with her, apart from that it is a lot of favoritism. If I had to return to a Nursing Home I would ask that they bring me to this same place, I would like to change the people who run this place: Because Mrs. Tonia or the colors of the codes are known, someone else had to tell them. Mr. Jose Longoria does not care about the residents, as he is responsible for complaints, abuse and negligence. But they do not have gasoline, nor for the tires of the Van, but they are always asking for food from Subway or Pizza Hut. I get a lot of Hypocrisy on your part.(Original)La mayora te tratan muy bien, con el tiempo me sent como si estubiera con mi familia. Al convivir Dia a Dia te van tratando muy bien y al convivir con los dems recidentes en actividades es de las mejores experiencias que he tenido en mi vida. Una covivencia muy hermosa. Todo eso cambio hasta que de repente nos movieron para el comedor principal y quitaron el cuarto de actividades para convertirlo en cuarto de juntas, sin tomar el consentimiento de nosotros los residentes ya que siempre nos han dicho que este lugar nos pertenece a nosotros. Hasta la fecha ami no me ha parecido. Siento que no hay respeto para los voluntarios de la iglesia catolica, de los voluntarios que nos leen el rosario, hacia las demas religiones, ya que no hay respeto por la enorme cantidad de distraciones en algo que es tan imporante para mi y para mis companeros que es dar gracias a Dios por otro dia mas de salud, me siento con pena cuando tengo que pedirle al Sacerdote que si puede repetir el sermon.Desde que La DON y el Administrador entraron aqu, se volvieron puras juntas que no resuelven nada. Nomas les quitan el tiempo a los trabajadores y el problema que nos tienen ms de una hora sin trabajadores en el piso alas CNA cada dia les dan ms trabajo que no me parece justo cmo lavar las sillas de nosotros y si est sucio ellas tienen que limpiar luego le hablen al departamento de limpieza y nunca se han tomado el tiempo de hablar con nosotros los residentes.Puedo afirmar que Tonia Thiele,RN (DON) es como muy racista, yo he notado que con las CNA que no hablan ingls las discrimina por su forma de hablar o no poder comunicarse con un ingles perfecto. Siempre hace juntas donde pide alas CNA que les diga lo que a nosotros no nos parece, pero siempre ignorando nuestras solicitudes.En el tiempo que he estado viviendo aqui e visto como buenas Enfermeras y CNAs se han hido de este lugar por culpa de ella, de sus malos tratos y su forma grosera de tratarlas. Cuando ella esta en el edificio se siente mucha tension, mucha mala vibra. Yo fui hablar con el Administrador Jos Longoria sobre el salon de actividades y le pregunte que quien hiso eso de moverlos al comedor y me dijo que l pero yo le dije que haba sido Tonya porque l no mueve ni un dedo, le falta autoridad y liderazgo. Sino autoriza Tonia y se enojo conmigo y me dijo que sino me pareca que alli estaba Lucy la trabajadora social para que me hiciera el papeleo para que me fuera de este nursing home y que en esta area se encuentran 5 nursing home mas yo le dije que el me corriera ya que es mi derecho como residente Quejarme de las cosas que no nos parecen, pero no hizo nada, mas que ignorarme.Adems hubo un problema con una persona que ellos metieron a actividades porque es familiar directo de Tonya (DON), ella lleva varios reportes del maltrato hacia los residentes. Mr. Longoria nomas dice hay que darle otra oportunidad pero eso dice porque la que manda es tania como es familiar le dio medio tiempo en actividades y medio tiempo en otro departamento no tengo nada en contra de la muchacha, siento que le falta aprender trato con las personas al igual que Tonya. No me parece justo que haya corrido a las otras dos personas que tenan aos trabajando aqu y una de ellas esta certificada como directora de actividades y como quiera las desocupado nomas porque la muchacha es familiar de ella. Siento que estan discriminando por edad alas otras dos asistentes de actividades para darle oportunidad a alguien que es familiar de ella, aparte que es mucho favoritismo.Si tuviera que regresar a un Nursing Home pediria que me tragieran a este mismo lugar, me gustaria que cambiaran los que dirigen este lugar : Porque la seora Tonia ni los colores de los cdigos se sabe, alguien mas se los tuvieron que decir. Al Mr. Jose Longoria nomas no se preocupa por los residentes, segun el es el encargado de quejas, abusos y negligencias. Pero no tienen para gasolina, ni para las llantas de la Van, pero siempre estan pidiendo comida a Subway o Pizza Hut. Se me hace mucha Hipocresia de su parte.