6 reviews
Shirley Hasson
My experience as a volunteer is a unique one in seeing all sides at once, and quietly knowing more than I need to too. Saying that, I gave Elmcroft five stars for excellence in nursings staff, efficiency of communication, attractiveness of grounds and housing. How nice it is to always be welcomed by Lindas smile! And the sun pouring in through the clean glass windows. Just lovely.
Donna Stine
As and employee there we are underpaid and mistreated by management . The prior ED (Jo) only treated you good as long as you was her favorite she didnt care about her staff. If you was in the hospital all she wanted to know was when will you be able to work. And the new ED is so unprrfessional and does not dress appropriate for her position. And she never answers emails or phone calls from staff or families. Need new management that cares.
Pam Holland
The staff at Elmcroft in State College were so kind and knowledgeable when we took an initial tour. Later, when we needed last-minute help, our Mom was welcomed into the community immediately. She has received excellent care and our family feels secure knowing she is safe and loved.
Bianca Santiago