18 reviews

Simpson House

marker Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


18 reviews
H Blake

This place is not fit for human life.
Jackelyn Fields

Lynn Harris

Worst experience ever ... more about getting the buy in $ and monthly rent than providing services and programs for residents ... it's fine if you are independent but the moment you need help...that's the problem...I felt totally taken advantage of after deciding that my loved one would move to SH..the transition from empathetic and compassionate continum of care to focus on building and marketing high rent independent living units occurred rapidly ...
Carol Payne

The rehab facility has been renovated and looks nice, however, the overall service is horrendous. had to hire outside people bc the average response time is 22 mins.
Carolyn Hopper

So much that's positive. One area that must be improved is lighting and signage. First responders have a hard time finding the various buildings because almost nothing is in place to show them where to arrive. Even worse after dark. Please invest in our safety.Really off the grid.Beautiful and walkable grounds.Very nice community of good people.