16 reviews
Anthony E. McDaniel. Jr
Six Strings
The best: The residents & families,concierge,marketer,chef & dietary aide, maintenance,& the entire 2-10p & 10-6a shifts.The worst-the RCM(S) & ED(A) who are liars,the activities dept,med errors galore from a high med tech-routinely covered up by ED&RCM,ignoring of residents' call-pendants(ALWAYS ignored on 6-2p shift).I was a new asst. manager at this facility & fell in love with the residents&families immediately. But I soon began to see the ugliness. Med errors were commonplace,staff was high for their shifts,legal documents were destroyed or 'lost',new meds not transcribed or the scripts were claimed to have not been 'received by our fax',falsification & creation of documents,bullying(encouraged & fueled by ED & RCM),falsifying of hours worked & narcotic theft. The 6-2p staff hide in residents rooms for hours or leave for hours facility without notifying anyone. Despite complaints? ED & RCM punish the whistleblowers. Residents are forced to sit staring at their hands for an entire shift & are found shortly after the 2pm shift arrives, soiled through their own clothing. 1 poor soul was found with her wheelchair surrounded by a puddle of urine. These were serious issues I wanted to correct. At 1st, I was told by the RCM & ED to address & correct it. They pretended they cared. But when I persisted & DEMANDED it be corrected-I was met by a brick wall! The tides soon turned & they weren't in my favor. The ED & RCM turned a blind eye to my complaints & the complaints of 2 other shifts. Soon,they were giving out write-ups to all who fought for resident rights. Pathetic. You see-this is how the Enlivant Cult Corp handles problems. They punish those reporting abuse-which is illegal!So, the drunk/high tech is STILL drunk & high & gets frequently rewarded due to her assisting in cover-ups & working extra shifts. The cause of me terminating my own employment at this facility was due to many things. Med errors,putting resident lives at risk,narcotic thefts,as was the falsification/creation of documentation,the rampant bullying of others by dayshift,the lack of support from the ED & RCM in protecting residents rights & the permissability of open taunting/shoving of patients(by 7-3) with dementia were more than I could bear. All my reports of abuse were swept under the carpet & I was told I had 'more important things' to worry about. WHAAAT?!The last straw for me was 2-fold. The day before I quit, i was asked 5 times by the ED to write a false statement about a dayshift RCP(Z). I was told that both she(the ED) & Enlivant HR wanted the statement & would back me up. I told her 5 times I would not lie.She finally & angrily excused me from her office.The following day, that samw RCP(Z)falsely accused me of having an attitude w/her because I hadn't heard her ask me a question;You see,I had my nose in a chart trying to find the origin of a 3-month old med error that went unnoticed by the RCM. When the ED & RCM came to confront me & this RCP,I was shocked. They were telling the RCP how valuable she was to the company when only 1 day prior I was told x5 to get her fired! The stupid girl bought it hook,line,and sinker. To solidify their lie-the ED told me 3 times to 'shut up' as I tried to tell my side of what had actually occurred & threatened to 'show me the door'. Here I am,an assistant manager(and an LPN who passed actual State boards)-being told to shut up by an immoral,drunken Enlivant 'executive' director. I had had enough at this point.The icing on the proverbial cake was when I pressed the issue of 3 resident's narcotics being stolen within only 8 hours & was told to 'just let it go',I realized the futility of ever trying to be a true licensed professional for this corporation. I lasted 49 days. Enlivant & their core values are a joke. Those who honor those values are harassed systematically. These issues are prolific & unique to this corporation. Dont believe me? Go to Indeed job site and read all the reviews. You wont BELIEVE the horrors you see...and yet,they are eerily similar!
jeffrey johnson
Heather Ford
Super friendly staff. The residents are always engaged in something. Always happy
Anne Markowitz
Clean, bright and cheerful. Working with one of the residents.