4 reviews

Spring Meadows Assisted Living Community

marker St Helens, Oregon


4 reviews
summer fields

It seems a very nice place to work
Elizabeth McCann

Roderick Stansbery

They are so gracious and kind to my mom. Newer building with an open spacious architecture. The last time I went and had lunch with my mom they had 'Masala Beef,' like a braised beef tips with 1/2 cooked vegetables. The time before that we were served an expensive home cooked seafood lunch that even 5 star restaurants could rival. My mom eats better than me. My family was so glad to have found this place for my mom.
Cindy Maker

Has become unfriendly and autocratic, treating family as if they don't matter, threatening residents that if they don't comply they will be kicked out. When my mother had to move in two years ago it was friendly and residents were happy. Not anymore! Don't put your parents here!