43 reviews

Visiting Angels

marker Eugene, Oregon


43 reviews
Brenda Leighter

I am notorious for running out of gas! I was on my way to Visiting Angels, where I work as a scheduler and my tank said I had a quarter of a tankit was a lie. So, there I sat at the bottom of the bridge, just before a very busy intersection, not quite out of the way enough for people to not be mad at me for being in their way. What do I see, but the owner & our Marketing Manager hopping out of a truck and running over to save the day! The owner pushed my car safely out of the way, while Scott took off to buy a gas can and fill it for the truck. With the new fangled gas cans, it took the two of them to get it into the truck. It was a sight to see such a kind gesture out of two big men literally saving the damsel in distress. Very grateful for them for dropping everything and coming to my aid. Visiting Angels' has a pretty amazing boss & a pretty awesome marketing guy!!!
Marcy Schram

Betty Van Meter

Craig Williams

Sally Summers

My very sweet neighbor Ginny had Alzheimer's and was not able to speak well. Her daughters both lived out of town. They hired your company over the phone for 24 hour care. My husband and I checked in on her almost daily and were witness to some of the 'caregivers' that you sent to service her. One day Ginny herself came to our door worried about something and motioned for us to come over to follow her. The Vising Angels gal was very overweight and was sprawled out on the floor having a diabetic reaction. We had to call a doctor! Ginny said she was like that for a while. Another time we were in our yard when the caregiver ripped down the driveway fast and knocked down Ginny's mailbox. When we went to talk to the caregiver, she was not with Ginny but in another room watching TV and eating, she smelled like she had been drinking and she was very dirty looking. Another time the caregiver who needed to leave came over to our house because the next gal who was suppose to relieve her had not shown up and she wanted to know if we could go watch her because she needed to leave to get to another client and if she was last she would get in trouble. One time Ginny came over and handed me a note that she was afraid of her caregiver because she yelled at her. How she got over to our house without the caregiver knowing is another concern. I reported all of this to their daughter Alicia and they said that they called the agency each time and were told things would be fixed but they were not. They felt taken advantage of because they were out of town and couldn't keep track of what was going on. They finally decided to give up on Visiting Angels caring for their mother and just bring her home with them. Poor Ginny she deserved better...I am just not impressed with your agency and can't understand why you would hire such awful people and continue to let this family down. These instances were over a 6 month time...didn't seam like any improvements were made. I even called Adult Protective Services and didn't see improvement. The same gals kept coming. I would never hire your company to care for anyone in my family or any of my friends!