7 reviews
Lindsay Ston
As a registered nurse myself, the basis of my practice is treating each of my patients the way Id want my family member to be treated. Every one of my patients is cared for and their safety ensured, just as I expect of my family members in a healthcare setting.The Landings does not have the same outlook towards their residents. Not even close.As a facility without a Medicare contract, everything is paid out of pocket. Upon moving my family member in, they said they were actively pursuing a Medicare contract. This has been over a year and no progress has been made. Perhaps due to the fact they cant meet the basic requirements to fulfill a Medicare application.My family member then needed to be transferred to Memory Care. Their memory care staff is absolutely deficient and untrained in the treatment and handling of dementia and Alzheimers residents. The residents are left to wander from room to room, in soiled clothes, sleeping in each other's beds, soiling each others beds, using each others bathrooms. There is such lack of supervision. My family member has been left on the floor for hours, being found with a blanket and pillow they got from their bed after giving up on waiting for help to arrive. The residents are constantly covered in bruises and wounds from falling. They attempt to give my family member their medications three times, then document that theyve refused. Clearly, if the staff were properly trained and the turnover wasnt so high, theyd be able to get medications administered.My family member has been to the emergency room twice in the last six months due to aspiration pneumonia. Both times, we returned to their room to find the vomit still spewed all over the wall and floor, fecal matter on their wheelchair, and room uncleaned and untouched.I was so concerned with my family members well-being after theyd fallen over three times in one week, I placed a camera under the bed to alert me when they fell. The Landings found it, weeks later, (which also goes to show how often the room is cleaned), and confiscated it since it violated HIPAA, which is not untrue. However, when it was explained that it was due to the frequency of my family members falls and their lack of care and rounding on my family member, who was on the floor hours at a time, a legal document was signed by the medical director and my family members POA stating the camera was permissible to detect the falls. It then began to detect when they werent checked on for 4-6 hours at a time, left in the bathroom unattended for 25 minutes, finding my family member hanging out of bed...They then confiscated the camera claiming HIPAA violations, despite the legally signed document by the POA and the medical director. They said theyd, revisit the idea of a camera in a few weeks, despite the legal contract signed by the director and POA.This facility is VASTLY understaffed, undertrained, uneducated, and willing to say anything to get you and your family member in the door. Theres always open rooms because theres no Medicare contract, the prices are outrageous, and the care is so poor. There may be 2-3 employees that have been employed for longer than a year.When I called to speak to the director or manager of nursing, I was told to call back in the morning. When I asked what the protocol was if there was an urgent matter during non-business hours, I was told my concerns for my family members safety were not urgent enough to warrant contact from management, as they were at their family members concert and recital.No one deserves to be treated the way my family member and my family has. When we voiced concern about our family members safety too many times in one day, they literally unplugged the safety net that has notified them of 5+ falls within minutes. It would have been hours without the camera for safety.If they were even doing the minimum of their job, they wouldnt be concerned with a camera...Please, for the safety of your family member, find any other facility. Dont make the same horrible mistake!
David Sage
Rhonda Mcdermit
Well i went in put my application in sometime at the end of nov. I was intrviewed and was told i had the job and they would get back to me in 2 weeks. I had waited and waitef but no phone call. I called numerous of times but nobody would answer the phone or even get back to me.. So if ur looking for a job dont get ur hopes up high...
Joshua Centers
Lacey Gibbs