Heath, Ohio
50 reviews
Dave Morton
After learning about the heroic 65, I hope if I'm ever in need of nursing home care, that I would be treated by medical staff as professional and dedicated to their patients as the '65'. I'm 70, former Ohio resident, with two nurses in our family and another medical staff member. May God restore and multiply the sacrifices you all have made with respect to your families and loved ones.
Jeannette Doherty
I just saw the special with Diane Sawyer about what you guys did 65 days I think on lockdown to save all those lives, I truly truly applaud you. I brought my aunt who was 94 going to be 95 in July to my home from Miami-Dade to Jupiter January 31st. She never knew about covid-19 not one time unfortunately she died April 19th 2020 but she died Happy well cared for and had no idea about covid-19 what you guys have done it's just totally totally amazing and awesome and it should be recognized and I'm glad that I saw Diane Sawyer tonight
Kara Howells
Every time we visit the staff was always very courteous. Seemed to always have their residents best intrest in mind.
Tim Crawmer
Jim Hoffer