24 reviews

Carrington Place Rehabilitation & Living Center

marker Matthews, North Carolina


24 reviews
Julius Strickland

Really thankful for this place. I just cannot put into words how my world changed and how important the staff here were. My spouse suffered a stroke in August 2019, and went from being active, able bodied and independent, to being completely debilitated. I was devastated...Over the course of a couple months at Carrington Place rehab in..we were given hope again. I will forever have unspeakable gratitude for the rest of my life. My spouse and I are so thankful. Just so very thankful...Carrington Place was not a top choice from the hospital case worker but visited the facility anyway. The building itself is homelike. and pretty dated. (not sure how much that really mattered looking back now). I almost choose another facility based on looks and I am so glad I didnt judge the book by its cover. This is a really special place. It is a gem. From the social worker, Nurses, doctors, and even administration..:this place seems to run like a well oiled machine. I give it a firm 5 star recommendation. J.S.
Michael M.

Tracey wehner

Jill Pliner

My parents have both been in the rehabilitation facility at Carrington this year and we could not have asked for a better experience. The staff at Carrington is excellent at every level; nurses, doctor's, PTs, support, administration. My father was here for two months after spending four weeks in ICU and four weeks in the hospital. We tried one other place that was newer and the care there was so much worse. Do not be fooled by appearance. Carrington may be an older facility but the care is TOP NOTCH.
Naomi Mcarson

My name is changed to protect my identity as well. I worked for Carrington Place for a while and witnessed mistreatment as well. I witnessed one CNA loudly making fun of a womans false teeth and how she looked in them to another CNA at the nurses station (the patients are right there sitting in the hallways). I witnessed other verbal communications to patients that were just downright rude and unprofessional. This was just what I saw on one hall, but why take the chance. Residents would be asking for things or need to go to the bathroom or want to get out of bed and itd seem like they were either ignored or theyd have to wait forever. Many patients were visually unhappy, I regularly heard screaming down the hall about dying alone in this place from one resident from their room....depressing.... they had activities, a hair salon, okay food, a lot of flowers and decent views out of most windows, I think bible study... its better than some options around here, but not what Id choose. Im disappointed in the extremely low bar set for nursing homes in the Union/Mecklenburg county.