10 reviews
Jody Stouffer
I would take caution from sending your loved one here. My mother was reffered here in the fall of 2019 to rehab her broken hip. During her stay she was also diagnosed with mild dementia. Due to the under staffing at Cherry Point Bay staff, she contracted a Urinary tract infection which had unreversable mental effects on her. She also became very aggressive and was reffered to a behavioral center by Cherry Point because of her behaviors. Doctors at the behavioral center evaluated her medications and found that medications Cherry Point physicians had her on were a perfect concoction for aggressiveness and the dosage levels for one was considerably higher then the suggested amount. The final straw was when the behavioral center would not accpet her refferal because she was still undergoing physcial therapy so Cherry Point prematurely ended her physical therapy so that she could be refferred again to the behavioral center a few days later. My mother was a self sufficient 74 year old, rehabing a broken hip when she entered Cherry Point and four months later she is now wheel chair bound and her dementia has accelerated to the point that she can no longer communicate in an understandable manner. We feel that much of her current state is due to under staffing problem at Cherry Point and unknowledgeable doctors prescribing medications in wrong dosage levels that shouldn't be mixed.
Becky Bratton
This facility is a joke ,,the patients do not have phones in their rooms, they have 1 line 1 base set and 2 cordless phone they all have to share..
glenn holland
Liticia Randolph