6 reviews
Ben McGuire
I would avoid sending my loved one here if possible. Facility is extremely dated and downright dirty looking, and staff is always changing. Residents are allowed to wander all over Carrboro, even though many of them should be under close supervision. I have never had a family member live here, but my job has brought me to this facility before, and I've never liked what I've seen.
Sam Bryan
I confidently give Crescent Green 5 stars because of what they are able to provide with their limited funding. I believe most of the residents are indigent. Many lack family support. They are a very needy population and are getting basic care. Wouldnt it be nice if they, living in the midst of such an affluent society with so many citizens having incomes far exceeding what is required for basic needs, could be provided with more?
Atosha Mclean
Andrew Michael Nolan
2 weeks ago I went to visit my father on a Saturday afternoon and walked in to find him laying in a puddle of his own urine WITH FLIES CIRCLING AROUND HIM. He seemed to have been there for a quite a while as it had soaked into his clothes and was drying. There was also quite a bit of dried blood on the sheet where he has clearly been suffering from an infection in his mouth, but no employee seems to have reported that or sought medical care for him. I can't imagine how that much dried blood in a bed would not warrant attention. I had to go and insist that he be cleaned up. I also had to insist that medical care be arranged for him. The infection was so obvious that the smell of it coming from his mouth overwhelmed my family and I the moment we walked in the room. Given his condition, medical attention and attention to basic hygiene would seem obvious. Apparently not here. When checking in with other family members three others reported having gone to visit over the last couple of months and also reporting that he was covered in flies both times. My aunt went in and found him lying in his own feces unable to care for himself. There appears to be some PROFOUND deficiencies in the care that residents receive at this facility. He was removed two days ago and taken to the hospital finally where it turns out he has been suffering from undiagnosed late stage cancer. I can only wonder how much the lack of attention he seems to have gotten has played into this going undiagnosed for so long.
It's a very depressing sight to see people leaving the home and having to hobble/roll over to the side walk next to the road just to smoke.