4 reviews

Harbor Terrace Adult Care & Assisted Living

marker Staten Island, New York


4 reviews
Gina Rizzo

This place is horrific! Absolutely the poorest, defiled living space I have seen. A television news team needs to come out and do a story on this place. My hearts hurts for those left to the unsanitary conditions allowed. The website photos are completely misleading.
george messaris

When I was there, in the beginning they are nice but once your there for awhile they treat you like a non helpful person, the caregivers that bath you and help you change your cloths are excellent but As far as food I wouldn't give it to the homeless people, they need to get the roaches and bed bugs under control, stop focusing on thier money and focus on the residence there, people would not wanna leave there if they were treated as human beings not retarded people, there are the good chefs and then there are the not so good chefs. I implore you to listen to the residences not all are of Jewish faith there are non Jewish people living there. please listen to your residents and understand thier needs.Thank you a former resident.
Ariella Sandberg

Jennifer was vey helpful,but the facility was not what I expected.It was an 'asylum' when I visited.
Maria Derner

A good source of avenues for help.