Lake Luzerne, New York
11 reviews
Tyler Johnson
Travis Morehouse
Zachary Haas
Brenda Hoffman
Friendly, warm and welcoming to guests and regular attenders alike. A place that the whole family can worship our Lord together, learn together and grow together. Relevant sermons, excellent worship music, delicious breakfast sandwiches in the cafe, a nursery for the little ones and children's church for school-age children! The youth group for teens meets on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30. The church and its ministries are active in the community. Their various ministries include: men's group/study, women's studies and gatherings, missions work--local & abroad, and an active teen group). They are intentional about seeking and meeting the needs of the surrounding community as well as sharing the gospel to all.
Patsy Stoltz
Great place to worship!