21 reviews
Wes Watkins
My wife and I found the Ministry and the folks at Living Waters to truly reflect the two great commandments. Love the Lord with all your heart and soul and love one another (loose paraphrase). In addition, Gods Word is preached and taught providing much opportunity to grow and mature in ones faith. Last but not least is the genuine sense of family and concern for each other.
Debbie Fergus
Living Waters Fellowship has been our church family for 13 years, ever since my family and I moved to Mesquite. We are definitely family, and the love of Jesus truly permeates among us. Our hearts desire through our church and our mission is to make a difference for Christ in our community in many ways. And our pastor, whose teachings are solidly biblically based upon God's Word, fervently encourages us and equips us to do just that, not just by teaching but by his example and passion. If you're looking for a Spirit-filled, doctrinally sound and friendly church where God's love is truly evident, please come visit us on Sunday morning. We would love to see you.
Ken Fergus
My wife Debbie and I been going to this church for 14 years and we love the great fellowship and hearing God's plan for our lives through the Word. the Bible taught by Pastor Dennis Lee. Plus we are involved by helping with the audio and visual.
Melanie Sorensen
Living Waters Fellowship is not just a church, it is a family. Everyone is welcome. If you are looking for a spirit filled, God loving church, look no further. Pastor Lee delivers God's word so all can understand and apply to their lives.
Jesse Smith