5 reviews

Rosetta Assisted Living - Missoula

marker Missoula, Montana


5 reviews
Tara Stratton

Great staff and residents
Brady Gardner

Kathryn Harlow

I am so proud to say that I am a former employee of Rosetta Assisted Living! This facility not only provides a home, it also provides a family. I have never meant a group of individuals so passionate about loving and serving the elderly population! The staff to resident ratio is such that staff know, value and respect lifelong habits of residents from what their favorite song is, to how they comb their hair. Every resident and family member has a voice that wants to be heard by staff from the Maintenance Man to the Administrator! The residents are not only well cared for physically, but are also loved and cherished! Truly the most unique employment opportunity I have ever been privileged to be apart of!
Penny Burns

If you are thinking about placing a loved one in Rosetta Assisted Living in Missoula, please, please reconsider. We placed my mom here and pulled her out in less than a month. There were 14 + residents with only 2 caregivers on staff. This in itself is not unusual, but what is different about this place is that the 2 people on staff were required to do all the cooking (meal preparation, table setting, table clearing/cleaning, washing dishes), all the laundry, answer phones, give tours, and if there is time, care for residents. We were promised that Mom would be toileted every 2 hours, have help with feeding, be taken to regularly scheduled activities and given her medication on time according to her doctor's instructions. Family members had to constantly ask for her meds to be given to her even every 6 hours. We were told that Mom would be toileted every 2 hours (she can use the toilet if you put her on it, but won't ask to go, so it is imperative that she be scheduled). We often never saw a caregiver when visiting for 3-4 hours at a time, so the family had to take this over. One day my sister came in at 9:30 and found Mom still in bed, wet and soiled. No one had bothered to get her out of bed and cleaned up. Although we received a schedule of activities, there were no activities offered during the month she was there. (they later admitted that their activities director had quit the previous month) There was also no one to come in and do hair and nails.We were told that caregivers would help Mom eat. She has to be encouraged to eat at times and spoon fed at other times. Many times, family members would come in to find untouched cold food in front of her an hour and a half after meal time. Again, family members had to come by to feed her.We found bruises on her arm and took her to a walk-in clinic. The nurse on staff had us take her immediately to the ER because she suspected abuse. The doctor at the ER showed us clearly a thumb print bruise on one side and severe bruising on the other indicating someone had grabbed her really hard. She is a petite 84-yr old woman with a broken back, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, and arthritis in her hands and wrists. Her shoulders are weak because of a break years ago. And yet, someone treated her roughly and with tremendous force.We had to have family members there to take care of her almost round the clock.The day we moved her out, the staff cleaned her up and set her in front of the TV. It took us 8 hours to get everything moved over and set up in the new place. When we came back to get her, she was in the same exact position - soaking wet and hungry. She hadn't even been fed.We are a very hands-on type of family and are blessed to be able to spend a lot of time with Mom. I pray for those residents who don't have family members able to spend that much time. I must say, in all fairness that there were a couple wonderful caregivers on staff that cared, but were just very overworked. These 2 told us that they were going to quit their jobs when we pulled out saying that their ethics just wouldn't allow them to continue to work for Rosetta.
Quinton Rasmussen

I work in the field of Assisted Livings and I recently visited this facility. I was impressed! The staff was knowledgeable, the building was clean, and they were staffed appropriately. The residents were clean and happy. Being in the business it isn't hard to tell a good building from a bad one and this was a great building.