26 reviews
Cosmin Marian
Gillie Gault
Nice place
Shianne Breedlove
Mom and dad live there seems a nice place to be
Justin Thomas
My grandparents have been here for 12 years and are now being forced to leave after new management took over in 2016 because of a failure to reapply for HUD subsidized housing in the event that they out lived their financial means. One would think that in a place that specializes in Senior Care, that management would make sure that all their current residence whose name we're previously on this list were fully aware that they MUST reapply in order to keep their names on the list. My grandparents are now 86 and 84 years old and top brass management would not do anything to work with them or even modify their rent in order to accommodate them for a few months or acknowledge that a mistake was made. The end result is we are now going to be spending their holiday season packing their belongings and deciding what of their possessions are to be kept or put in storage and what is to be left behind. Overall a very friendly staff as far as the faces you see are concerned. The hot shots you don't see and just hear their voice on the phone are the problem.